Bill & Cat's Blog About Calla

Gender: Female
Name: Calla Sophia
Birthdate: October 11, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Don't Tell My Grandparents...

I wouldn't want to hurt their feelings, but Bill and I visited both sets of my grandparents over the weekend, and what an adventure!

I sent this email about lunch with my Mamaw (that's southern for Grandmother and it sounds like "mam-maw" and I have no idea what's the best way to spell it)to my mom this morning and realized it would be a cute baby blog post:

So anyway... I told Mamaw on the phone the night before I couldn't eat anything. She said, "Oh but you have to eat." And I reassured her that I was eating, but only could stand certain foods. I made the mistake of divulging which foods I had been eating: pimiento cheese, cheetos, etc.

So when we got to their house, the table was set with this crazy looking spread of pregnant lady food. I had to giggle. There was a bowl of Cheetos, green beans, bananas, a strawberry cake (nevermind that I'm allergic to strawberries!), and a tray of pimiento cheese sandwiches that looked awfully suspect. Now I can't eat pimiento cheese anymore! Bless her heart, she made it herself and normally I'd probably like it, but it was way too strong with the pimientos for me at this stage of the game.

Not to mention that Bill and I had both already eaten in the car as we were driving over to her house because I had specifically told her NOT to prepare any food. When I eat too much, I find myself projectile vomiting about half an hour later! It was kind of scary. But I just picked at the food, and enjoyed the Cheetos. I didn't puke the entire time we were in Pulaski. All's well that ends well.

Then we went to Granny and Gene's to choke on cigarette smoke! I thought about borrowing some of Granny's oxygen!

Nonetheless we really enjoyed seeing the grandparents. They are all super excited about the little one.

Oh yeah, by far one of the most memorable moments, second only to listening to Granny's side of the phone conversation with Aunt Cathy ["Oh! So you were the Easter bunny? That's great. What? They threw rocks at you?? You punched one of the kids??!?!"], was the first words out of Mamaw's mouth to Bill (she has a HUGE crush on Bill because he looks like Elvis): "Oh Bill! I hope the baby has your hair, and is tall like you, and just favors you!" My jaw hit the floor! LOL!


Mama Shel said...

Aaww - I had a Mamaw too and don't worry, you spelled it perfectly. I loved her dearly and lost her about 10 years ago to lung cancer. (She chain smoked like you wouldn't believe.)
Now, understand that I was the eldest and the only girl on my mom's side of the family so my Mamaw adored me just as much as I adored her. I have often said that she would be head over heels for Miles if she had lived to meet him.
My mom likes to say, when Miles is smiling at nothing and cooing to nobody, that he is talking to her angel who is telling him that she loves him.
Yeah, it gets me choked up a bit every time.

Dallas said...

how hilarious is it that my mom was the easter bunny. she did a great job though....the one kid she play punched deserved it and ended up writing a letter of apology to mom.

we know exactly how you feel about the smoke at granny's God love her.

I really like the name sloane.

Catherine said...

I'm glad to hear that brat apologized to your mom!

sweetpea said...

OMG...I agree with Dallas. I love the name Sloane.....Wow how classy.......I can just see your Aunt Cathy, slugging some kid....LOL.....Gotta love her......I love her bunches.....Love you too sweetpea, and you too, Bill, and you too lil sweetpea.....

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