Bill & Cat's Blog About Calla

Gender: Female
Name: Calla Sophia
Birthdate: October 11, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

Cool Baby Name Book: Baby Name Wizard

I love this baby name book by Laura Wattenberg because it's so much more than just an alphabetized list of names. There is an obligatory alphabetized list of names, but for each name entry, there is a popularity graph, other names (for boys and girls) you may like because they are similar in style to the selected name, as well as nicknames associated with the name, and a little blurb analyzing the name.

Then there are lists of names that have been categorized into different groups like Gaelic Names, Saint Names, Jewish Names, and other categories that contain classic, modern, short names, and so on.

Very handy! I still can't decide, however, but I have plenty of time, right?


Mama Shel said...

Matt and I have voted! We like Quinn and Sadie, especially with your 3 syllable last name. I'm partial to Quinn because that's one of my cat names.
Only problem with having a girl is that she might someday get married and change her last name so you need to make sure her first name works with a variety of choices. Goodness at all the decisions involved with being a parent!

You need some more boy name choices. Our first choice was Patrick (to honor his Irish heritage) Montgomery (my mom's maiden name). Matt thought it kinda of sounded like an important lawyer's name and what could be cooler than your son growing up to be on C-SPAN?!

Catherine said...

We're definitely looking at short names since our surname is so long. Good point about girls' names needing to be more versatile!

We have thirty names per gender we're looking at! We'll never decide!!!

sweetpea said...

I guess my vote would have to be Ryan (for girl or boy) or Morgan (for girl or boy). Then sometimes I think, when you first see the lil sweetpea, that is when you need to name the precious lil sweetpea.

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