Bill & Cat's Blog About Calla

Gender: Female
Name: Calla Sophia
Birthdate: October 11, 2008

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

To Do List - Updates

Now that we're back from D.C., but I'm still not back at work yet, I have been able to cross off a number of tasks on my To Do list.

New OB - I'm happy to announce that I have a new doctor, Dr. Lanetta Anderson Brooks at Women's Physician Group. I won't see her until early September. My next appointment will be with my current OB.

Order Hypnobabies - I finally ordered the CDs. They should arrive soon. I'm really excited.

Pre-Register at Methodist - I've started the process.

Sign Up for Childbirth Classes - I registered for a seven week series of childbirth classes at Methodist, taught by my sister-in-law, which begins on 7/30.

I'm starting to feel a bit less frantic about getting things in order, now. I wish the nursery furniture would hurry and arrive, so I could make some progress on decorating in there.


Kim said...

I hope you have a better time with Doc Anderson (Brooks) than I. I have to admit, my gut-reaction when I read that was your new doc was to jump up, drive across town, and beg you to let a homeless drunk delivery your baby rather than her.

I have enough issues with this woman to fill a magazine rack, but to sum up: first she said she would treat my infertility, then changed her mind because I was unmarried... even though she knew that from the beginning. When I was pregnant and ill, neither she nor anyone else from the office would return my calls. And when, a week later, I lost my baby, and called the clinic to make a follow-up appointment, I got the answering machine, as you often do. NO ONE CALLED ME BACK. EVER. I left three messages, over a span of a week, all detailing that I was her patient, had miscarried, and was told to follow up with them by the ER doctor, and NEVER GOT A RESPONSE.

If you decide to stay with her, I hope you have a better experience, but I feel sick to my stomach at the thought of you having her for your doctor.

Catherine said...

Oh this just breaks my heart. I put a lot of effort into checking her out - she was recommended to me by four different people! Also, I used to go to that practice about five years ago and loved all the staff there. I only stopped going because Bill's insurance at the time wasn't accepted (and I had quit my job).

I saw a different doctor at that practice, however, Dr. Rouselle, who I really liked a lot. Dr. Rouselle was going to be my second choice if I couldn't get Dr. Anderson. I put a lot of effort into getting an appointment with Dr. Anderson, though. She was coming up as one of the few doctors around here who's supportive of NCB - which, as you know, is very important to me.

It really makes me sick that she mistreated you like that. I really respect your opinions and advice, so I am definitely going to take this all into consideration. If she hadn't come so highly recommended by others whose opinions I also respect, I'd fire her right away! I think I'll talk with my doula about Dr. Rouselle instead, and see what she has to say. Thanks so much for sharing this with me.

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