Bill & Cat's Blog About Calla

Gender: Female
Name: Calla Sophia
Birthdate: October 11, 2008

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Princess and the Pea

Once upon a time, not very long ago, I, the princess (everyone is treating me like one, after all), was struggling to button my jeans and muttering about how could the nearly microscopic being in my tummy already be forcing me into a larger pants size, especially since I haven't even gained any weight yet!

The prince in this fairy tale, Bill, who has definitely been reading "The Everything Father-to-Be" book I gave him, calmly explained that even though the embryo is only the size of a pea my body is changing to accommodate it. Then, for brownie points, he mentioned that the changes were beautiful. Awww!

I immediately thought of the fairy tale about the Princess and the Pea, because even though the embryo is tiny at this stage, its presence definitely doesn't escape my notice, particularly when I'm trying to sleep at night, since I wake for multiple bathroom trips from the little sweetpea's influence on my bladder. Such a tiny little thing is completely rearranging not only my womb, but my entire world. It's really amazing.

As a child, I always thought the Princess was quite whiny and a bit rude to complain about that pea. I understand better now that even the tiniest thing can indeed have a tremendous impact. The story could even be considered symbolic of early pregnancy considering the rain, the round green pea, the mattresses, the marriage, and so on. Hmmm.


Kim said...

You hit the nail right on the head: that teeny, barely visible creature has/is/will change and affect everything in your life from now on. And it is awesome. :)

By the way, if the u/s tech doesn't automatically do it, ask for a transvaginal u/s at your next appointment. You'll still be early enough that you'll get better resolution and details going in vaginally, rather than doing an abdominal.

You did only see 1 gestational sac, right? We aren't going to have twin baby Bills, right? :D

Bill said...

Sweetpea? I thought it was the Colonel! :P

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