Bill & Cat's Blog About Calla

Gender: Female
Name: Calla Sophia
Birthdate: October 11, 2008

Monday, January 7, 2008


The new year has begun at last, so I have only a few weeks until my husband and I start trying to conceive. I'm trying to avoid stressing about it all because I don't want to disrupt my cycle or do anything to minimize my chances of getting knocked up.

I'm also trying to enjoy some of the things I'll be putting aside for a year or so in just a few weeks. (That's code for "I'm hitting the hooch," mainly wine in the evenings.) I guess there are other things I'll be giving up soon, too. I think there are some concerns about eating sushi. Lots of no-no's for the pregnant and nursing woman, actually. I'll have to familiarize myself with them all soon.

I guess I'll have more to say about it all when there actually is more to say about it all.

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