Bill & Cat's Blog About Calla

Gender: Female
Name: Calla Sophia
Birthdate: October 11, 2008

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Redneck Baby Names

Everyone keeps asking us if we've decided on a name for the baby yet. The answer is NOPE! We're still working on that. There are a lot of names we like, a few we love, and none that we feel certain would be perfect!

No problem. Bill found this great resource earlier today though, and I think it should be a big help!

Redneck Baby Names

A few names from the site we won't be considering:
Sammie Jo
Misty Dawn

A few names from the site that are actually on our list (WTF!):

A name NOT from the site that is appealing to me today:
Calla Sofia


Bielat for Congress (Temporary Site) said...

Interesting list! If you're interested in more in-depth information about the baby names you like (or the "redneck" ones you don't!), offers name comparisons, as well as in-depth name reports. Best of luck choosing a name, and congratulations!

Me said...

OMG did you just get spammed? lol

sweetpea said...

Going with the "Greek names" today.......Cool

Catherine said...

Haha! Yeah, I DID get spammed. I feel kind of special, in a way.

I thought about deleting the comment, but, since I worked in marketing/advertising in a past life, I am taking pity on the right baby name. They put a lot of effort into crafting a custom comment (referencing the post and all) on a blog that's read by about a dozen people at most. :) Bless their hearts!

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