Turn to the Internet to learn more about conception and pregnancy, and you're likely to encounter a lot of nearly indecipherable abbreviations.
Many of them seem reasonable enough, but some are downright goofy.
ATAS - Abbreviations That Are Stupid:
AF - Aunt Flo(w). This means getting your period. Are we still in seventh grade, people?
DH - Dear Husband. My husband is a dear, I suppose, but I don't typically refer to him as such. Certainly not often enough to abbreviate it!
BBs - "Boobs" Oh a cute little abbreviation for my least favorite term used to refer to breasts (why not TTs, anyone?).
BD - Baby Dance. This means having sex. Baby Dance? That's a creepy euphemism if I've ever heard one.
DP - Dancing Partner. DP means something slightly different to me, and that's all I have to say on the matter.
ATEMCS - Abbreviations That Explain My Current Status
TTC - Trying To Conceive.
2WW - Two Week Wait. This is waiting to see if your "BD" efforts have resulted in a pregnancy.
And, of course, I'm having all sorts of psychosomatic early pregnancy symptoms! I am seriously sleepy for no good reason lately. I have some other symptoms, as well, but these are also the same symptoms of an impending period. Might as well not draw any conclusions so early. I don't have a deadline to get pregnant or anything, but I can't help but feel like I want to hurry up and get there.
And, of course, when I have used POAS (pee on a stick) OPKs (ovulation prediction kits) this month I keep getting BFNs (big, fat negatives), so I am not even sure if I ovulated or not. I did get BFPs (big, fat positives on OPKs in past months when I was tracking my cycle but not TTC, so I know I can ovulate. Anyway, I just keep on BDing everyday, just in case, and because it's a great pastime in its own right.
Hmm the ATAS are really bothering me, so I may have to refrain from using them. Let's hope that the TTC days are brief, and I can move on to see what the Parenting realm of the Internet has to offer.