Bill & Cat's Blog About Calla

Gender: Female
Name: Calla Sophia
Birthdate: October 11, 2008

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

POTD: Calla and Mr. Elephant

Photo by Ms Aimee S., who visited this evening and brought Calla lots of great toys, diapers, clothes, babylegs, and took awesome photos.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

VOTD: Yay Calla!

Calla can clap her hands now! Yay!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

POTD: Saving a Diaper

In recognition of Earth Day, here's a pic of Calla saving a
diaper! :). Sometimes Bill gets pics of what's in the potty afterwards!

Happy Earth Day!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Tooth! Finally.

Two (sorta) milestones to report today!

This morning started with Calla casually rolling over from her belly to her back, which she had heretofore stubbornly been refusing to do, even though she rolls the opposite direction all the time. And this evening, her dad noticed she has a TOOTH that has finally broken the gums in her mouth. It's the lower right, just like I said would be first. And it's very tiny and very sharp! It's just barely through, so does it count yet?

We've had a great day with Gram.

POTD: Gram's Here!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Saturday, April 11, 2009

This is where it goes, right??

POTD: Very Hungry Calla

Calla is six months old today! Wow! Here she is with her favorite
gift, a Very Hungry Caterpillar stacking toy. She also got some
shoes, some diapers, and her first official taste of solid food! She
has been bugging me for food for weeks now.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Baby Charmer

Bill found this video of a pretty animation set to a Turkish lullaby that has the most amazing effect on Calla! She is mesmerized by it! If she is crying or fussing, we can show her this and the tears vanish! I have it bookmarked on my iPhone, and we have resorted to Dandini Dandini screenings at restaurants a few times!

It is quite lovely. Calms me, too.

Here's a translation I found among comments on YouTube. I don't know if it's accurate or not.
Spotty spotty, little baby with beauty spots
Baby with pretty pretty hands with henna
His/her mother father loves him/her very much
Sleeps and grows (my) coddled/pretty baby

Spotty spotty sporden,
Calves walked into vegetable garden
Gardener, go get them out
Don't let them eat the cabbage

Spotty spotty spotter,
A moon is born from mother
Whom God bestowed with all beauties
May God save him/her from evil eyes

POTD: Sleepy Baby Calla

I used to think that a kitten cleaning its ears was the epitome of
cuteness. Now, I know better! Cuteness is pudgy baby hands rubbing
sleepy eyes. Aww.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

POTD: Reading Pat the Bunny

Or is that eating Pat the Bunny? I had to pull some paper out of her

Sunday, April 5, 2009

POTD: Snuggling with Duck Puppet

My Girl Likes to Potty All the Time...

Yeah, Calla uses the potty. Not quite *all* the time, but somedays I don't have to change a poopy diaper one, so that's pretty cool.

Since Calla was a newborn, I knew that infant potty training (aka Elimination Communication) was something I'd like to try, even though it seemed rather daunting to me at the time. In preparation, I've always tried to pay close attention to her elimination cues and never leave her in a wet or soiled diaper for very long at all. Also, when I have been certain that she was peeing or pooping, I would make a cue sound to help her associate the sound with the action.

A few weeks ago we began ECing in earnest, since she was getting better at sitting and I felt like we had made ample progress with our earlier challenges: breastfeeding (so easy now) and naps (much much better). I must say it has been a lot easier than I expected!

So if you're not really interested in hearing more about Calla's pees and poops, kindly stop reading right here and check back later for future posts. Otherwise, if you're curious about this infant potty training business, I'll happily tell you a bit about it (if Calla doesn't wake from her nap before I finish).

First of all, it's not the same as toddler potty training, and it doesn't necessarily replace or preclude toddler potty training (I think people say "potty learning" nowadays, one of those kinder terms like "play yard" instead of "play pen"). Basically it's just an alternative to diapers, which relies on a caregiver being able to recognize her infant's need to potty based on timing and/or cues from the child. As the infant becomes verbal, it's possible that the infant can communicate those needs verbally. Signing infants can communicate their potty needs with sign language, as well.

Diapers can still be used as "back-up" as many people choose to EC part-time, actually. Some people let their babies go diaper-free, too. At our house, so far, we're using diapers, but "catching" as many pees and poops as we can and not worrying one iota when there is a diaper to be changed, either.

If you're wondering what Calla thinks about all of this, she seems to love sitting on her potties (as long as they're not cold - she did hiss at me once for sitting her bare bottom on a cold potty, poor thing!). I sing her special potty song (a reworking of Eddie Murphy's smash hit "My Girl Likes to Party All the Time" which simply goes "My Calla Likes to Potty All the Time," and she basically has fun. If she disliked it, I wouldn't make her potty. No way!

I think she already realizes that she can go in the potty and have a little fun or she can go in the diaper and be sitting in squishy ickiness. And I really believe she "holds it" to wait for the potty sometimes, even though there is some debate about whether or not babies have sphincter control or not. There have just been so many times that she has gone as soon as I put her on the potty, but never has she gone during those daring few moments when she's in transit, bare-bottom, from her diaper to the potty. Could be luck, I suppose.

We "catch" a lot more than I thought we would so soon, but I think it's mainly because Calla is very regular and so it's easy to time. She goes first thing in the morning, after each of her three naps, and anytime she comes out of a baby carrier. Also, I'm noticing that when I have a need for the toilet, if I offer Calla her potty first, she usually has to go, too! I'm still working on recognizing the other times she needs the potty, but getting better each day.

I could go, but she's waking from her nap now.

Here's Eddie Murphy singing My Girl Likes to Party All the Time, by the way...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Milestones Update

Calla began sitting unassisted (without tripoding) earlier this week. She's getting so big! Naturally, she wants to sit like this all.the.time, but she's still very wobbly, so a few bonks to the noggin have occurred. Poor baby!

Those first teeth are still threatening to emerge at any moment, too. Calla likes to gum raw carrots, snack on slushy frozen breastmilk, or soothe her gums with ice cubes in a mesh feeder.

I've ordered a book about starting solids because Calla seems to be just about ready to start chowing down with us at dinnertime. I'm excited and terrified about this one. It's going to get messy!

New Feature - Pic of the Day

Since Calla was only a few weeks old, I've been taking snapshots with my camera and emailing them to her daddy, grandparents, and a few aunts. I realized that I can post the pictures to the blog from my phone at the same time, so I'll be posting the Pic of the Day pictures here on the blog so that the blog won't seem so neglected!

One day I may even set up a photo album of all the old Pic of the Day photos, too.

Pic of the Day: Childbirth Class Reunion

Calla with Aunt Stacy at our childbirth class reunion. Aunt Stacy taught the classes.

Calla and Poppa Bee at Bosco's

That's Calla and her Dad on the patio at Bosco's. We tried out the restaurant high chair for the first time, and it worked great!

Calla Videos

Calla's Favorite Videos